
Lightweight and secure IoT communications library

Protecting messages with E4

In previous part, we made a simple application where alice and bob could exchange messages. But now we want them to be able to communicate privately, even if eve subscribe to the MQTT topic.

To do so, we'll integrate the E4 library in our application, and create a symmetric key, and securely share it with alice and bob, so they can encrypt their messages with it. After this, only key holders could read the exchanged messages.

First, let's modify our previous application to create an E4 client and read a client password from the flags.

package main

import (
    // ...

	mqtt "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang"
	e4 "github.com/teserakt-io/e4go"

func main() {
	// 1. Read a client and a peer identifiers from command line flags
	var clientName string
	var clientPassword string
	flag.StringVar(&clientName, "client", "", "the client name")
	flag.StringVar(&clientPassword, "password", "", "the client password")

	if len(clientName) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("-client is required")
	if len(clientPassword) < 16 {
		fmt.Println("-password is required and must be longer than 16 characters")

	// 2. Connect to a MQTT broker (we'll use our public mqtt.teserakt.io:1338)
	// ...
	fmt.Printf("> connected to %s\n", brokerEndpoint)

	e4Client, err := e4.NewClient(&e4.SymNameAndPassword{Name: clientName, Password: clientPassword}, e4.NewInMemoryStore(nil))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to created e4 client: %v", err))

	// 3 - Subscribe to message MQTT topic and print incoming messages to stdout
	// ...

Now we'll replace the previous mqtt.Subscribe() to subscribe to the peer topic and the e4 receiving topic We also feed the incoming messages to the e4Client.Unprotect() in the MQTT messages reception callback.

	// ...
	// 3 - Subscribe to message MQTT topic and print incoming messages to stdout
	messageTopic := "/e4go/demo/messages"
	topics := map[string]byte{
		messageTopic:                 1,
		e4Client.GetReceivingTopic(): 2,
	token := mqttClient.SubscribeMultiple(topics, func(_ mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) {
		fmt.Printf("< receive raw message on %s: %s\n", msg.Topic(), msg.Payload())
		clearMessage, err := e4Client.Unprotect(msg.Payload(), msg.Topic())
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("failed to unprotect message: %v\n", err)

		fmt.Printf("< unprotected message: %s\n", clearMessage)
	// ...
	// ...
	// 3 - Subscribe to message MQTT topic and print incoming messages to stdout
	messageTopic := "/e4go/demo/messages"
	token := mqttClient.Subscribe(messageTopic, 1, func(_ mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) {
	 	fmt.Printf("< received raw message on %s: %s\n", msg.Topic(), msg.Payload())
	// ...

And last, we also update the payload we pass to mqtt.Publish, to protect the message first :

        // ...
		message := scanner.Text()
		if len(message) == 0 { // Skip empty messages

		protectedMessage, err := e4Client.ProtectMessage([]byte(message), messageTopic)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("> failed to protect message: %v\n", err)
		if token := mqttClient.Publish(messageTopic, 1, true, protectedMessage); token.Error() != nil {
			fmt.Printf("> failed to publish message: %v\n", token.Error())
        // ...

Click here to download the full source at this point

And voila, our application have now integrated E4 and is ready to communicate securely.

But something goes wrong when we try it:

# Alice
$ go run e4demo.go -client alice -password super-secret-alice-password
> connected to mqtt.eclipse.org:1338
> subscribed to MQTT topic /e4go/demo/messages
> type anything and press enter to send the message to /e4go/demo/messages:
Hello, I'm alice and this is a secret message for bob!
> failed to protect message: topic key not found

# Bob
$ go run e4demo.go -client bob -password super-secret-bob-password
connected to mqtt.eclipse.org:1338
> subscribed to MQTT topic /e4go/demo/messages
> type anything and press enter to send the message to /e4go/demo/messages:

Right, we still need to transmit the key to the clients so they can encrypt and decrypt messages with it. in E4, each topics need its own key. And we can see that our updated client now isn't listening only for incoming messages from the peer, but also from e4Client.ReceivingTopic() topic. And this is how we'll transmit the topic key to each clients.

We'll cover this in the next section.

Last updated on 27 Sep 2019
Published on 6 Sep 2019
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